Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits

Fountain drinks are 87% water. The water you use to deliver a great tasting sodas and other fountain drinks is extremely important. Make sure the water you use is the best it can be by using Everpure filtration solutions. 

Pentair Everpure filtration solutions improve water quality by:

  • Reducing chlorine, chloramines and other unwanted chemicals that can affect the taste and odor of water
  • Reducing cysts and other potentially harmful contaminants
  • Reducing particulates that cause cloudy water
Features & Benefits

The Impacts of Poor Quality Water On Fountain Drinks

Serving high-quality fountain drinks requires more than just great syrup – it also depends on the quality of your water. Poor water can lead to mineral buildup, corrosion, and scaling in your fountain drink equipment, reducing efficiency and increasing maintenance costs.

High TDS can cause weak carbonation

  • Minerals prevent the tannins from dissolving properly

High TDS can cause poor quality ice

  • It oxidizes the aromatics and solids
  • It increases the acidity

Masking poor taste can require adjusting the brix ratio

  • Over extraction of flavanoids and tannins cause bitterness and leave a “film” on the surface
  • Under extraction leads to weak color and flavor

Chlorine can give fountain drinks a “swimming pool” taste and odor.

  • Too high and tea can taste burnt and bitter
  • Too low and the complex flavors will not be present

Other Beverages

Unleash the full flavor potential of your beverages with our water filtration solutions!

Crisp Fountain Drinks with CWS Philippines Inc.

Connect with CWS Philippines Inc. for reliable filtration solutions that maintain consistency and taste. Serve perfect fountain drinks every time.

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