Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits

Espresso is 85 to 96 percent water. The quality of the pressurized water used to brew a cup of espresso greatly affects its taste.

Pentair Everpure filtration solutions improve water quality by:

  • Reducing chlorine, chloramines and other unwanted chemicals that can affect the taste and odor of water
  • Reducing cysts and other potentially harmful contaminants
  • Reducing particulates that cause cloudy water
Features & Benefits

The Impacts of Poor Quality Water On Espresso Beverages

Tap water can be the hidden enemy of your perfect espresso experience. Minerals like chlorine and calcium can alter the taste, leaving your espresso bitter, and unpleasant, and falls flat in both taste and visual appeal.

Chlorine alters the aroma and taste

  • It oxidizes the aromatics and oils
  • It increases the acidity

TDS can cause improper extraction

  • This leaves an “oil slick” on the surface of the beverage

Scale can cause poor pre-infusion and channeling through the puck

  • Uneven extraction and bitter taste
  • Reduces crema and damages the machine

Reduced pressure due to scale leads to weak or no crema.

  • Strangled extraction and weak flavor
  • Crema collapses prematurely

The Impacts of Poor Quality Water On Espresso Equipment

Hard water, packed with minerals like calcium and magnesium, can wreak havoc on your espresso machine and clog essential components that can lead to costly repairs or replacements down the line.

Scale on components can lower the temperature and limit flow

  • This can cause poor extraction
  • It can reduce steam for frothing

Scale damage can require replacement of heating elements

  • Sometimes elements must be broken to remove from the boiler

Chlorides can attack metals, especially stainless steel

  • “Rust” can form on surfaces
  • Holes can form leading to leaks and loss of pressure

Corrosion can damage copper boilers

  • It causes “rust” on surfaces
  • It disintegrates parts

Other Beverages

Unleash the full flavor potential of your beverages with our water filtration solutions!

Premium Espresso with CWS Philippines Inc.

Contact us today to discover our espresso water solutions and elevate your coffee experience with CWS Philippines Inc.

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